Rasterize, Polarize
Our contemporary minds urge to break our world's complexity into digestible slices of comprehension. Our society seems to feel the need to translate everything into exploitable, storable data - into man-made code. From real life objects into vectors, a genome into letters, to a mind into measurable streams. Each and every aspect of our world gets assessed by us: relevant or irrelevant, explained or unexplained. It's a natural filtering mechanism, it's our nature, it's the way we learn but it can also be the building material of self-made limitation. By re-building our environment in man-made code in order to let it calculate assessments for us we're not only outsourcing thinking processes but do also demand a static environment and rely on something that is not able to grow, to correct, short: improve itself. Furthermore, a program is its code and its code is always an incomplete copy of its creators interpretation of a reality.
This side-project was born in 2013 in the course of multiple institutions demanding biometric passport photo. All photo manipulations are based on my own passport photo and built one-on-one after self-portraits that were created by only watching at my mirror image instead of my hand or paper while drawing - so they're what's called ‘completely random’.
Phase I
three prints, each 40 x 52 cm

Phase II
passport photo prints, each 3.5 x 4.5 cm

Phase III
gif animation (might take some seconds to load)